Sunday, May 19, 2013

The Passive Movement

Geocentric model is the earth is the center of the universe and is theory of Ptolemy. Heliocentric model is sun is the center of the universe and is theory of Nicolous Copernicus. Sun is the center of the universe it's start movement and seasons show the truth. Equator is like divides the earth. There is two Hemisphere North and South Hemisphere. North Hemisphere is winter,  less sunlight. South Hemisphere is summer, more sunlight. Season causes tilt and revolution. Tides is when the ocean moving high and low. Vernal/ Spring Equinox in March 21/22. Indirect is less sunlight, Direct is more sunlight Earth's axis is a imaginary line in the central of Earth. Time zone in the world is 24. International Date Line is the changing the calender days. Greenwich Mean Time is the town where time begins. Revolution is Earth is Orbit. Orbit is a Earth Revolution process the curved path.Shape of the Earth's orbit is Ellipse. Aphelion is far. Perihelion is near. There is for season Spring, Summer,Winter, and Fall. Winter Solstice is less sunlight in the winter. Summer Solstice is more sunlight. Equinox is a when Earth receive the same amount of sunlight.Phases of the Moon is a when the moon different forms that the moon takes in it's apperence from Earth.Moon get light from the Sun.Waxing is moon gets bigger. Wanning is a moon gets smaller. Lunar Eclipse is when the moon behind the Earth into the shadow.Phases of the moon is a lunar eclipse is Full moon. Total whole moon is dark. Partial aside of the moon is dark. Solar Eclipse is when moon is between Earth and Sun. Phases of the moon is a solar eclipse is New moon. Spring Tide is that is higher or lower than normal tides. Phases of the moon are Spring Tide is New moon and Full moon. Neap tide is Sun, Earth, and Moon goes and look like L also right triangle. Phases of the moon are Neap tide is Third and First Moon

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Do you agree with theory of plate tectonic? Why or why not?                                                 Plate Tectonic is a puzzle that are moving I agree because they have a lot evidence that show the truth. All continent in the one big continent called Pangea. This story comes from billion years ago. JT Wilson made the theory plate. Shape of continent like a South America and Africa can come together and also India plate and Asia plate coming together creates Himalaya Mountain. Another is animals like a in the South America animals we can found in the African plate. Another is deserts and mountains. 
The Earth's interior is made up of four different layers such as the Inner Core, the Outer Core,Mantle and Crust but I will focused in the Crust, that is the outer layer that we live on.They are three different type of boundaries. Convergent Boundary is a coming together and it creates Mountain. Divergent Boundary is a moving apart and it creates Volcano also Rift valley.Transform Boundary is a slide past each other and it creates Earthquake and Tsunami.
In Conclusion plate tectonics many evidences which support the statement.

  • What did you enjoy the most about this project?
I enjoy this project and I learn a lot of new things about Plate Tectonic.
  • What was the most challenging part for you during the project?
It was challenging for me was find the Contenintal Drift.
  • Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work?
Yes some of my work was not finish and it was late I try to finish on time.